
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day Fun

For Father's Day we decided to spend as much time together as we could during the day, and then Elaine and I went out with a couple we are friends with here in the Jerusalem Branch that night for dinner. 

Biblical Zoo

The major activity during the day was a visit to the Biblical Zoo, which is pretty much just usual zoo that makes a point of noting which animals in its collection are mentioned in the Bible.  Oh, and they have a replica Noah's ark!  The only problem was that we had picked the hottest day of the year---it hit about 103F---to go.

Rachel loves penguins.  Always has.

We were surprised to learn that only 2 of some-17 penguin species actually come from Antarctica, so these South American ones were doing all right here
Samuel decided that he, too, really likes penguins.
He got a kick out of the whole idea of swimming birds!
These birds are NOT in the Bible

But Samuel liked them anyway
Bears, on the other hand, ARE mentioned in the Bible

Googie Bears

This bear knows how to cool off

It was hot, Samuel was tired, I got to show what Father's Day is really about by carrying "a 100 pound backpack" around half the day
Lions, too, are in the Bible.  Samson and David each killed one.


Samuel with prairie dog
Flamingos are not in the Bible
Lunch at the Malcha Mall

My Father's Day treat was a treat for everyone---real Pizza Hut pizza!

Asaf Amichay Hair Design

Our first month here an American Jew who had made aliyah cut our hair.  His name was Shmuel, and he was a great guy, but he decided to concentrate on studying and teaching Torah full time.  So we started going to the guy who owned the shop.  Used to be a model in Italy, studied hair in England, and plays a great Spanish guitar.  Most of all, he is really good with Samuel.

Asaf's the man!
Dinner on the Roof of N otre Dame of Jerusalem

Shared our Father's Day dinner with Chris and Melissa Oliver . . . and I got some great pictures of the city while we were at it!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Father's Day!! Thanks for an evening out. Chris and I will miss both you and Elaine!!
