
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Turkey Day 5: Ephesus and Priene

Once again, for background see last semester's post on Ephesus and Priene.


Rachel in the Odeon/Bouleterion near the Magnesian Gate

Alyssa with one of the ubiquitous Ephesian cats

The platform of the Temple of Domitian where we talked about both the message to Ephesus in Revelation and the prophecy about the two beasts
Rachel at the top of the main street with the Library of Celsus behind

Walking down the main street
And looking up behind

Class picture at the Library of Celsus
A crew was doing some kind of biblical filming in the theater, so we did our usual reading and discussion about the Ephesian riot recounted in Acts in the harbor street looking up at the theater.

Rachel int he theater with green screens and actors in place

I think that is supposed to be the apostle Paul in the light blue robe
Looking down the harbor road

The students during our devotional

This picture should look familiar form the back of our Bibles.  The only difference is the insertion of Rachel and me!
One thing that I did this time that I have not been able to do since the first time I went to Ephesus was see the Terrace Houses.  It cost extra, but Rachel loved it because she said it helped her understand what luxury houses in that period must have looked like.

The remains of four luxury houses, which are being painstakingly restored, are protected under this shed

Artist's rendition of what the great reception hall in one of the houses looked like

More pictures from Ephesus . . .

Rachel with a carving of gladiatorial arms

The large Agora or marketplace

Chillin' in a sarcophagus?

We had a moving devotional in the St. Mary Church not only about the role of Mary in bringing Jesus into the world but also about motherhood and womanhood more generally.

Church of St. John the Divine

By the early Christian baptistry
Is this a Byzantine tortoise?

 Some down home Turkish family cooking . . .




In the synagogue, later a church


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