
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Mother's Northern Tour, Day 4: Church in Tiberias and Home Again to Jerusalem

Saturday is our Sabbath in Israel, so we went back to Tiberias on the Sea of Galilee, where one of the three LDS branches of the church in Israel meets (the other two are in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv).  The small branch meets in a converted villa, which gives wonderful views of the Sea of Galilee (although thus Saturday morning it was rather rainy).  Usually only 8-12 people attend services there, but we added 6 and then a tour group of another 16 arrived, so we had an almost-full house in our small chapel.  The branch president asked me to provide a musical number, so Mother accompanied my while I sang "Arise, O God, and Shine."  See my earlier blog post on going to church in Tiberias.

Following the meeting, we drove back to Jerusalem via Highway 90, which takes us on an Israeli-controlled road along the Jordan River in the West Bank.  We arrived back at the Jerusalem Center mid afternoon.

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