
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Final Day of Sukkot at the Western Wall

The last day of Tabernacle, what John 7:37 calls "the great day of the feast," used to take place in the Temple Courts and before the altar.  Now the Western Wall, all that remains of Herod's remodel and expansion of the Second Temple, is as close as our Jewish friends can get, and many of them come here to shake the four species as they rejoice before the Lord.

Lulavs are prepared and blessed

With my colleague Jared Ludlow and a few of our students

Perhaps one of the most interesting things I saw today was a group of Jews doing their version of the Hosanna Shout.  Watch this clip through to the end.  Rejoicing before the Lord here includes chanting, or shouting, psalms, including Psalm 118:25, where "Save now, I beseech thee" is Hosanna!

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