
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

We leave four weeks from today!

On August 24, just four weeks from today, Elaine, the children, and I will board a plane for Atlanta and then from there to Tel Aviv to start our year-long adventure. It is hard to believe! We have had a busy summer . . . lots of activities that have kept us from sitting around twiddling our thumbs and simply counting down the days.

Next week we go to California for 8 days for a wedding, as well as some fun at Disney Land and Sea World. We are hoping the trip will help further prepare Samuel for flying and for all the changes that are ahead for him. Rachel is unabashed enthusiasm personified. Elaine and I are beginning to panic at the prospect of packing for a family for a year with just two 50-pound suitcases each!


  1. I'm so happy that you'll be keeping this blog while you're in Israel. While we're going to miss you all while you're gone, at least we won't feel like you're SO far away!

  2. Looking forward to the posts. You will all have a great time. I just published our holy land blog posts into a bound volume for each of our children as an upcoming Christmas gift.
